Consultation Process
- The consultation process started in 2014, before the inception of the project proper, when users of the building were asked to complete a survey of what they would like to see in a new community centre. The requirements for the Architect were developed from various User Surveys – the first in 2014, and those carried out in 2016 and 2017. Repeating the surveys ensured that all requirements were recorded in the Key and Detailed User Requirements.
- We consulted our neighbours directly – as their gardens have common boundaries with the Parish Centre. We asked them individually what they would like to see from the design of a building that would be at the bottom of their garden. Their requests and comments were incorporated into the new layout – the car park was moved to the west of the building, and the upper floor designed to prevent their gardens and bedrooms from being overlooked.
- The representatives from user groups on the Project Team ensured that no requirements were dropped, our safeguarding officer ensured that the design complies with current guidance; and we have one team member responsible for ensuring accessibility requirements are met.
- There were a number of Consultation meetings with local councillors, the Council Planning department, the Conservation Officer and the County Highways department, to ensure the building layout and site plan conformed to Planning standards and regulations; and reflected the guidance from the planning department to minimise noise for our neighbours.
- Residents were given the opportunity to comment on iterations of plans, and Public Open Meetings were held in November 2018 for the final design to be viewed, and any additional changes made, before the planning application was submitted. Flyers were delivered to 2500 households to advertise the open meetings as widely as possible.
- Comments from the Public were received by the Council Planning Department when the application was submitted. There were 94 letters in support, one asking for trees to be protected (accepted) and one objection.
- The Project team visited user groups and used the Parish Magazine and the Regeneration Newsletter to report progress.
- The results of the User Surveys can be viewed in the documents below:
- The funding review of November 2023 concluded that we would not be able to raise the £2.4 million needed for this original design.
- Mandatory requirements from the user surveys were used to develop an alternative plan (Plan B) in 2024, which has now replaced the original plan.
- Plan B was presented to, and approved by, the PCC in May 2024. Residents were kept up to date with the results of fundraising through newsletters and in person.
- Plan B was presented to residents at an Open House event in June 2024, which ran from 10:00 to 20:00 to allow as many people as possible to review the revised plans.
- Feedback from the open house was positive. Residents recognised the need to reduce costs and acknowledged that the new proposal retained the majority of the original user requirements.